blog: Planning #36

opened 2022-01-14 19:48:59 +00:00 by jeff · 0 comments

The key point here is that planning is the cheapest area to make changes and mistakes. As the process of creating software goes on, it becomes more expensive to change.

"...the idea is that once you develop a habit of creating plans, it gives you a known factor. You know where you're starting, you know where you're at during, and you know where you're going after." - Doug Marcaida

The key point here is that planning is the cheapest area to make changes and mistakes. As the process of creating software goes on, it becomes more expensive to change. "...the idea is that once you develop a habit of creating plans, it gives you a known factor. You know where you're starting, you know where you're at during, and you know where you're going after." - Doug Marcaida
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